Audio Recording

In the digital age where children spend more and more time online, it is crucial for parents to have effective tools to protect their children. Our Parental Control software stands out for its functionality Audio Recording, which allows parents to monitor and protect their children more comprehensively. Find out how this powerful feature can keep your children safe in the digital world.

Audio Recording of Conversations

Our Parental Control solution offers an option of audio recording of conversations occurring on your children's devices. This means parents can listen to conversations in real time or replay them later. Whether it's about voice calls or audio within instant messaging applications, this feature allows you to have a complete view of children's interaction online.

Identification of Inappropriate or Dangerous Content

Audio recording of conversations allows parents to identify any inappropriate or dangerous content. They can listen if their children are involved in conversations that involve sensitive topics, such as bullying, risky behavior or abuse. This feature provides a valuable opportunity to intervene early and protect children from harmful situations.

Monitoring Online Interactions

In addition to recording conversations, our Parental Control software also offers a control over online interactions. This means that parents can hear the voices of participants in their children's conversations and see who they are communicating with. This is particularly useful for identifying any unknown or potentially dangerous contacts.

Education and Awareness

Audio recording of conversations can be a valuable tool for educating children about the importance of responsible and safe use of digital devices. Parents can use the recordings as a starting point to engage in meaningful discussions with their children, promoting awareness of possible online risks and teaching them to make informed decisions.

Respect for Privacy and Open Communication

It is important to emphasize that the use of audio recording of conversations it must be done responsibly, respecting the privacy of children. It's crucial to have open communication with your children about using this feature, explaining why it's being used and making sure you get their consent. Audio recording of conversations should be used as a security tool and not as an invasion of privacy.

Spyphone – Parental Control Software

Our Parental Control software with audio recording functionality offers parents a powerful tool to monitor and protect their children in the digital world. With the ability to record conversations, identify inappropriate or dangerous content and promote awareness, parents can ensure safe and responsible browsing for their children. However, it is crucial to use this feature with respect for privacy and in open communication with children.


Skype or Whatsapp


(we receive only and exclusively by appointment from 9am to 18pm from Monday to Friday)

Skype or Whatsapp


(we receive only and exclusively by appointment from 9am to 18pm from Monday to Friday)


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