Checking contacts in the address book

In the digital age, mobile phones have become integral part of the lives of children and young people. Parents are increasingly worried about safety of their children and want to protect them from potential threats. Our Parental Control software offers advanced contact control functionality in the phone's address book, allowing parents to carefully monitor and protect their children effectively.

Telephone Contact Monitoring

Our Parental Control software offers a powerful phone contact monitoring tool. Parents can access the phone book of their children and view the complete list of stored contacts. This allows them to keeping track of the people their children are in contact with and to identify any unknown or unwanted contact.

Blocking of Outgoing Contacts*

In addition to monitoring, our Parental Control software It also allows blocking of unwanted contacts. Parents can set contact restrictions that their children can call. This feature is particularly useful for protecting children from unwanted or potentially dangerous calls.

Open Communication and Awareness

It is essential to underline that the use of contact control in the phone book must be supported by a open and continuous communication with children. Parents should explain why for which the Parental Control software and ensure children feel comfortable discussing their telephone contacts. Furthermore, it is important to educate children about the importance of choosing reliable contacts and communicating safely.

Spyphone – Parental Control Software

Our Parental Control software with contact control functionality in the phone book offers parents an effective tool to protect their children in the digital world. With contact monitoring and blocking of unwanted outgoing contacts, parents can ensure safe and responsible browsing for their children. However, it is important to support this functionality with one open communication and ongoing guidance to help children create a reliable phone book and understand the importance of safe communication.

*Function Blocking of outgoing contacts not included in the standard version. To activate the function, contact us by phone.


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(we receive only and exclusively by appointment from 9am to 18pm from Monday to Friday)

Skype or Whatsapp


(we receive only and exclusively by appointment from 9am to 18pm from Monday to Friday)


If you want to receive more information or technical assistance, contact us at the following numbers:

Bari customer support

Customer service Milan

Customer support Rome