FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

The use of a spyphone to monitor a person without their authorization constitutes a violation of privacy, therefore a criminal offense. To the extent permitted by law, spyphones have, however, helped many families prevent serious social problems. Improper use contravenes law n.98 art. 615 bis, 617 bis of 8/4/74 cp E art. 226 cpp On the confidentiality of private life and interception of communication, and contravenes law 675 of 31/12/96 on the collection of personal data and the right to privacy.

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Contact us with any questions regarding purchasing SpyPhone!

After purchasing the license, you will be provided via email with the link to the .apk file, which you will need to download and install on the mobile phone to be monitored. Installation is very simple and quick, taking only a few minutes. Again via email you will be provided with the address and access data to the monitoring platform, from which you will have full control of the various features of SpyPhone.

SpyPhone is compatible with all Android models from version 4 onwards. Depending on the Android version and the brand of the device, it may be necessary to carry out different operations, all of which are explained during the installation phase.

The downloaded .apk file is automatically deleted at the end of the installation. depending on the Android version or the brand of the device there will be a series of actions that inhibit the system from tracking SpyPhone, which will be carried out during the installation wizard.

As for phones with Android OS, no particular operation is necessary, no root or similar.

We can carry out the installation operation of the spy app together via WhatsApp video call, or we can send you a video with all the steps to perform the installation and the relevant spy app file.

Alternatively you can contact us to purchase a cell phone with SpyPhone pre-installed and configured.

It is not recommended to install the SpyPhone app on an iPhone. Spy apps like SpyPhone are designed and developed for Android devices, not iPhones. This is because Apple has strict restrictions on the apps that can be installed on its devices and imposes severe limitations on access to the iOS operating system.

To install a spy app on an iPhone, you would need to jailbreak the device, which is a risky process and can compromise the security of the phone. Additionally, jailbreaking would void the device's warranty and may cause instability or malfunctions.