Whatsapp control

WhatsApp Monitoring: In today's increasingly digitalized society, parents are faced with the challenge of protecting their children from the possible dangers of the online world. With the enormous popularity of WhatsApp as the leading instant messaging platform, it is crucial for parents to have effective tools for monitoring their children's activity on this app. That's why our Parental Control software is the ideal solution, offering powerful WhatsApp monitoring software to ensure children's online safety.

WhatsApp Monitoring – activate Conversation Monitoring

One of the main features of our Parental Control software is the WhatsApp monitoring. Parents can easily access and view messages sent and received by their children. Be it text messages, photos, videos or other types of content shared on WhatsApp, the software allows a broad view of all conversations. This allows parents to identify inappropriate behavior, conversations with strangers or potentially dangerous topics.

Contact Control

In addition to conversation monitoring, our Parental Control software it also offers complete control over contacts on WhatsApp. Parents can view their child's contact list and see who they interact with on the platform. This feature is particularly useful for detecting any unknown or potentially dangerous contacts. Additionally, parents can set contact restrictions, blocking specific phone numbers or unwanted contacts.

Filter by keyword or contact

To help parents identify potential risk situations, our Parental Control software has the ability to do so targeted searches in your call logs, filtering by keyword or contact, what is written in a conversation or shared on Whatsapp.

Usage time control

In addition to controlling the content of conversations, our Parental Control software allows parents to control how much time their children spend on the app to facilitate a balanced and safe use of WhatsApp.

Spyphone – Parental Control Software

Our Parental Control software it is the complete solution for parents who want monitor your children's activity on WhatsApp. With advanced features of conversation monitoring, contact control, keyword notifications and time limits, parents can ensure online security of their children and intervene promptly in case of risky situations. There child safety in today's digital world is a priority, and our software parental Control offers the necessary tools to face this challenge effectively and responsibly.


Skype or Whatsapp


(we receive only and exclusively by appointment from 9am to 18pm from Monday to Friday)

Skype or Whatsapp


(we receive only and exclusively by appointment from 9am to 18pm from Monday to Friday)


If you want to receive more information or technical assistance, contact us at the following numbers:

Bari customer support

Customer service Milan

Customer support Rome