Checking your Instagram activity

With the increase in the use of social media, Instagram has become one of the most popular platforms among young people. However, parents are increasingly concerned about their children's safety on this platform. Our Parental Control software It offers a advanced control functionality Instagram, allowing parents to carefully monitor and protect their children when using this social media app.

Instagram Check – Monitoring Suspicious Activities

Our Parental Control software offers complete monitoring of activity on Instagram. Parents can access a detailed log notifications and direct messages shared by their children on Instagram. This allows you to track children's online interactions and identify any inappropriate content, risky behavior or unwanted contact.

Usage time control

In addition to controlling the content of the contents, our Parental Control software allows parents to control how much time their children spend on the app to facilitate a balanced and safe use of Instagram.

Education and Awareness

It is essential to highlight that monitoring activity on Instagram must be supported by a open and continuous communication with children. Parents should explain why what instagram checking software is used for and encourage children to share their experiences online. It's important to educate children about the importance of using Instagram safely, respectfully and mindfully.

Spyphone - Parental Control Software

Our Parental Control software with control functionality Instagram offers to parents a powerful tool to protect your children in the world of social media. With activity tracking, message and notification control, and screen time monitoring, parents can ensure safe and responsible browsing on Instagram. However, it is important to support this functionality with open communication and constant guidance to help children use the app safely and knowledgeably.


Skype or Whatsapp


(we receive only and exclusively by appointment from 9am to 18pm from Monday to Friday)

Skype or Whatsapp


(we receive only and exclusively by appointment from 9am to 18pm from Monday to Friday)


If you want to receive more information or technical assistance, contact us at the following numbers:

Bari customer support

Customer service Milan

Customer support Rome